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I am in search of an individual residing in India who can assist me in the verification process for my expert account by utilizing their personal documents. With their help, I can ensure that my account meets all the necessary requirements and is validated appropriately. By collaborating with someone from India, I will not only gain access to their valuable expertise but also establish a stronger connection within the community. The inclusion of their personal documents will provide an added layer of authenticity and credibility to my expert account, reassuring users of my genuine qualifications. Together, we can navigate through the verification process smoothly and enhance the trustworthiness of my profile.

PF25 lets-meet

I need someone to play a nice and quick online game (only smartphone or tablet), 80 times, it takes around 1 minute per game. <> Always use the same device to play, if you want to deliver the job in 1 day you need two different internet networks (wifi or mobile). Only one internet network is needed for 3 days deadline (20-30 games per day).

Budget: 3.00 USD - 4.00 USD
Delivery: 3 days
Tags: Online Game