Business / Lead Generation
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  • 4 days
My main objective is to provide excellent service with timely, accurate, and professional results in my
work. I provide services with 100% accuracy.
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3 days ago

Earn A 10% Commission By Sharing This Service!

Use This URL Shortener to Share Affiliate Link:
  • You may share your Affiliate Link on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, forums, articles or blogs.
  • Anyone who clicks this link will be tagged with your cookie and you will make 10% of whatever they buy on Zeerk.
  • The cookie stays forever!
  • You can even just send friends to the Zeerk home page and get 10% on anything they stumble upon and buy!

Job Description

We will post your business ads on Facebook and Google ads for seven (7) months.

Pay $13 only once and have a non stop running ad on Facebook, Twitter (x.com) and Google.

This will give you sales and orders much more than you're receiving with Zeerk traffic. You're sure to recover your money with orders coming in.

No need spending huge amounts on running ads, get a guaranteed service for only $13 and make good sales for seven (7) months.

You may submit or we create for you:
• Details of your ad
• Images and videos
• Target audience
• URL and links
• Keywords, targeting options and other details.x.com

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