etsy SEO, etsy marketing, and keyword research to rank your product

Business / Data Entry
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  • 3 days
I'm a professional web developer proficient in Shopify, Etsy, Amazon, WordPress, PHP, and digital marketing. With my 8+ years of experience, I'll help you succeed. Reach out for answers to all your queries.
Last seen:
3 months ago

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Job Description

Are you struggling to make sales on Etsy? Do you want to increase your Etsy sales? Look no further, I can help you boost your Etsy sales by optimizing your listings with Etsy SEO strategies that drive organic traffic to your shop.

With 8+ years of expertise in Etsy Marketing, I can write killer SEO product titles and descriptions and do SEO optimization to bring you organic sales.

Basic Package:

  • Etsy Shop Audit
  • Optimize 3 Product Titles
  • Optimize 3 product descriptions
  • 5 Low Competition Keyword Research
  • 1 Competitor Research

Standard Package:

  • Etsy Shop Audit
  • Optimize 10 Product Titles
  • Optimize 10 product descriptions
  • 10 Low Competition Keyword Research
  • 2 Competitor Research

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