Data Visualization / R (ggplot2, plotly) Python (matplotlib, plotly)

Data / Data Visualization
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  • 7 days
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2 weeks ago

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Job Description

Are you looking for expert assistance with data visualization? I offer services to meet your needs, including:

Bar Graphs:

  • Simple Bar Graph
  • Grouped Bar Graph
  • Stacked Bar Graph
  • Clustered Bar Graph
  • 100% Stacked Bar Graph
  • Lollipop Chart (Bar and Dot Plot)
  • Floating Bar Graph
  • Error Bar Graph
  • Pareto Chart (Combination of Bar and Line Graph)
  • Radial Bar Graph
  • Gantt Chart (Bar Graph in Project Management)

Line Graphs:

  • Simple Line Graph
  • Multiple Line Graph
  • Stacked Line Graph
  • Area Chart (Line Graph with Filled Area)
  • Streamgraph (Area Chart for Time Series)
  • Step Line Graph (Line Graph with Stepwise Connections)
  • Spline Graph (Smoothed Line Graph)
  • Error Line Graph
  • Sparkline (Small Line Graph without Axes)
  • Radar Chart (Line Graph in a Circular Format)
  • Lorenz Curve (Line Graph Used in Economics)

Pie Chart:

  • Exploded Pie Chart
  • 3D Pie Chart
  • Donut Chart (Pie Chart with a Hole in the Center)
  • Nested Pie Chart
  • Polar Area Chart (Pie Chart in Polar Coordinates)

Area Graphs:

  • Simple Area Graph
  • Stacked Area Graph
  • 100% Stacked Area Graph
  • Streamgraph (also known as ThemeRiver)

Scatter Plots:

  • Simple Scatter Plot
  • Bubble Chart (Scatter Plot with Bubble Sizes)


  • Simple Histogram
  • Cumulative Histogram

Box Plots:

  • Simple Box Plot
  • Notched Box Plot
  • Violin Plot (Combination of Box Plot and Kernel Density Plot)


  • Simple Heatmap
  • Correlation Heatmap
  • Hierarchical Heatmap

Polar Charts:

  • Polar Area Chart (Already mentioned under Pie Charts)
  • Radar Chart (Already mentioned under Line Graphs)

Waterfall Charts:

  • Simple Waterfall Chart
  • Bridge Chart (Used in Finance and Economics)

Funnel Charts:

  • Simple Funnel Chart
  • Inverted Funnel Chart


  • Squarified Treemap
  • Voronoi Treemap

Network Diagrams:

  • Force-Directed Graph
  • Chord Diagram

Bullet Graphs:

  • Simple Bullet Graph
  • Vertical Bullet Graph

Word Clouds:

  • Tag Cloud
  • Phrase Cloud


  • Line Sparkline
  • Column Sparkline

Why Choose My Services?

  • Expertise: I have extensive experience in data visualization and a deep understanding of various visualization techniques.
  • Accuracy: Ensuring precise and reliable results is my top priority. I follow the good practice in statistics.
  • Customization: I tailor my approach to meet your specific needs and research questions.
  • Communication: Clear and detailed explanations of the results, making the analysis easy to understand.

Whether you need a regression analysis, non-parametric test, or some other statistical service, I'm here to help.  Let's work together to achieve your research and data analysis goals!

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Last seen: 2 weeks ago
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