Statistical Analysis / Data Analysis / R Python Jamovi JASP

Data / Data Analysis & Data Models
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  • 7 days
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2 weeks ago

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Job Description

Are you looking for expert assistance with statistical analysis and hypothesis testing? I offer services to meet your needs, including:

  • Parametric Statistical Tests:
    • t-tests:

      • One-Sample t-test
      • Independent Two-Sample t-test
      • Paired t-test
    • Z-test:

      • One-sample Z-test
      • Two-sample Z-test
    • ANOVA (Analysis of Variance):

      • One-Way ANOVA
      • Two-Way ANOVA
      • Repeated Measures ANOVA
    • Correlation
    • Regression Analysis (Multiple and Hierarchical form):

      • Linear Regression
      • Logistic Regression
      • Poisson Regression
      • Quasi-Poisson Regression
      • Negative Binomial Regression
  • Non-Parametric Statistical Tests:

    • Sign Test
    • Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
    • Mood's Median Test
    • Mann-Whitney U Test
    • Friedman Test
    • Kruskal-Wallis Test
    • McNemar's Test
    • Fisher's Exact Test
    • Cochran's Q Test
    • Chi-square Test
    • Barnard's Test

Why Choose My Services?

  • Expertise: I have extensive experience in statistical analysis and a deep understanding of various statistical techniques.
  • Accuracy: Ensuring precise and reliable results is my top priority. I follow the good practice in statistics.
  • Customization: I tailor my approach to meet your specific needs and research questions.
  • Communication: Clear and detailed explanations of the results, making the analysis easy to understand.

Whether you need a regression analysis, non-parametric test, or some other statistical service, I'm here to help.  Let's work together to achieve your research and data analysis goals!

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fixed Rate 50.00 USD
Last seen: 2 weeks ago
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