I will draw coloring book pages for children

Graphics / Illustration
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Last seen:
3 months ago

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Job Description

I will draw line drawing / sketching in black and white for  any subjects in various style

  • Cartoon  
  • Realistic 
  • Semi Realistic  
  • Comic 
  • Coloring Book Pages 
  • Story Book
  • Sketch 
  • Animal
  • Any Object

Here are my pricing offers 

  • Basic offer $10 is for one  simple character or an  object with simple / less detailed background 
  • Standard offer $15  is for multiple characters and background
  • Premium offer $20 is for complicated or concept drawing with multiple characters and object 

There will be discounted rate on bulk order or big project , please send me your project details so that i can offer exact costing of your project. Looking forward to serving your requirements.

Thank you 

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