Your social media manager for monthly social media management

Social Media Marketing / Instagram
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Job Description

Did you know? 3 billion users are scrolling on social media right now, and some of them are your potential clients!

Using it for promotion is an ideal way to connect with them, showcase your products, and increase your revenue!

The smart entrepreneur will equip the business with the strongest weapons, and what better way to improve your online branding than with a social media manager?

As a top-quality social media manager and content creator, a title that i am very proud of, I am surrounded by a team of experts in every needed field with one goal in mind - to use marketing to get your business to the next level.

Whether we are doing Instagram promotion, Instagram strategy, or just being content creators, we are proud of ourselves for taking that personal touch and showing dedication and professionalism to every client we have, from the 0 followers page to the 500k followers page.

Am I the ideal social media manager for your business? You be the judge of that.

Check out my packages, there is something for everyone! I also make custom ones!

Other jobs by polashahmed24

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best SEO keywords research for your website
fixed Rate 15.00 USD
Last seen: 3 months ago
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