Keyword & Competitor Research Report with Recommended Action Plan

SEO / Web Analytics & Keyword Research
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  • 7 days
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3 months ago

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Job Description

I will build a custom keyword and competitor research report for you along with a suggested action plan. This will require your URL, and the recommended action plan will be more customized and effective if you provide access to your Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and optionally Bing Webmaster Tools dashboards. Here is what you will receive:

Keyword Research:

  • "Low hanging fruit" keywords for which you are already ranking (if any) and for which a little TLC should help to improve rankings.
  • 50 new strategic keywords to optimize for, including a combination of lower-ranking difficulty keywords that will allow you to rank faster and keywords with higher search volume that are still rankable if you follow the action plan.
  • Keywords are sorted into topics/entities to use as site or blog categories.

Competitor Research: 

  • Top 10 competitors that overlap on at least 25% of your keywords.
  • How do you rank against these competitors on the top 5 recommended keywords?
  • Potential ranking factors that allow competitors to rank on page 1 of the SERPs.

Action Plan:

  • How and what to optimize to improve ranking for "low hanging fruit" keywords.
  • How and what to optimize to start ranking or improve ranking for new recommended keywords.
  • Potential competitor ranking factors and optimization suggestions for outranking them in the long run.
  • 1 - 3 ideas for adding unique or innovative content that has the ability to draw more traffic.
  • List of recommended technical SEO updates.
  • Best practices recommendations.

1.5x Money Back Guarantee:

  • Must implement all suggestions by the date specified in your action plan. Waiting until after the specified date and/or not implementing the recommendations will void any potential refund; however, the report is yours to keep and use. It's required that I have access to your Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor progress.
  • If after 3 months you don't experience noticeable gains in traffic and an increase in goal conversions - and I am able to verify this in Google Analytics - I will happily refund you $148.50 on your $99 investment and the report is yours to keep and use.
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