Professional comprehensive book index
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40.00 USD
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1.00 USD
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I would love to work with you and I am available 24/7 for open discussion.

I am more than willing to negotiate prices and deadlines for different size works.

A well-constructed index is essential for any non-fiction book, academic publication, or technical manual. It helps readers quickly find the information they need, adds to your books credibility, and enhances its usability.


I offer professional book indexing services that provide comprehensive, accurate, and well-organized indexes tailored to your specific content and audience. Whether you're an author, publisher, or academic, I will help ensure your readers have the best user experience possible.

 What I Offer:

Custom-Tailored Indexes: I create a clear, organized index that reflects your books structure, themes, and audience need

 Enhance discoverability with indexes that include relevant keywords and entries

Cross-Referencing & Consistent Formatting: Ensure that your index is clean, easy to navigate, and professionally formatted.

Fast Delivery and Revisions: Timely delivery with two free revisions to completely satisfy you with the final product.


About the seller



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Last Seen

8hrs ago

Member Since

September 19, 2024


Name Basic Standard Premium
Description Basic Index (Up to 10,000 Words): A concise index with key entries. Perfect for short books, manuals Standard Index (Up to 30,000 Words): A detailed index, and cross-referenced  Ideal for medium-length Index (Up to 60,000+ Words): A full, in-depth index covering all significant terms & cross-reference
Delivery time 2 days 4 days 10 days
Revisions Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Price 10.00 USD 40.00 USD 100.00 USD
10.00 USD
Basic Index (Up to 10,000 Words): A concise index with key entries. Perfect for short books, manuals
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 2 days
40.00 USD
Standard Index (Up to 30,000 Words): A detailed index, and cross-referenced  Ideal for medium-length
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 4 days
100.00 USD
Index (Up to 60,000+ Words): A full, in-depth index covering all significant terms & cross-reference
What's included?
  • Revisions: Unlimited
  • Delivery time: 10 days

What is your Revisions Policy?

Accuracy is critical to book indexing, and I’m committed to delivering a high-quality product. That’s why I offer up to 2 free revisions for all indexing services. This approach ensures that you're clear about what's covered under free revisions and what may incur additional charges

Additional Details
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package Rate
40.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
This job has no reviews.
2 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
Basic Index (Up to 10,000 Words): A concise index with key entries. Perfect for short books, manuals
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package Rate
10.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
4 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
Standard Index (Up to 30,000 Words): A detailed index, and cross-referenced  Ideal for medium-length
Compare Packages
package Rate
40.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
10 days delivery
Unlimited revisions
Index (Up to 60,000+ Words): A full, in-depth index covering all significant terms & cross-reference
Compare Packages
package Rate
100.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD

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