I will provide organic sound cloud music promotion
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10.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
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Sure! A sound description can focus on several aspects, such as its qualities, emotions it evokes, or the context in which it occurs. Here’s a breakdown of how you might describe a sound:

  1. Quality: Is it sharp, soft, echoing, or muffled? Is it high-pitched or low-frequency?

    • Example: "The sound was a crisp crackle, like leaves crunching underfoot."
  2. Emotion: What feeling does the sound convey? Is it soothing, eerie, chaotic, or joyful?

    • Example: "The gentle hum of the lullaby brought a sense of calm and warmth."
  3. Context: Where and when does the sound occur? What’s happening around it?

    • Example: "Amidst the bustling city, the distant siren wailed, a reminder of urgency slicing through the chatter."
  4. Imagery: Use metaphors or similes to create vivid imagery.

    • Example: "The thunder rolled in like an angry beast, shaking the very ground beneath us."

If you have a specific sound in mind, I can help craft a detailed description!

About the seller



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3 months ago

Member Since

September 10, 2024


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Job Quantity
10.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
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Job Quantity
10.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
Job Quantity
10.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD

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