InstaBulk Automation tool for Instagram marketing
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100.00 USD
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1.00 USD
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The Ultimate Instagram Automation bot. Increase your followers, post images, upload videos, auto follow, auto like, auto comment and more fonctionality

Life time license with life time updates
No usage restrictions (unlimited accounts, unlimited actions, unlimited use).
Three machine install license (i.e. install on your desktop / VPS / laptop)
Run unlimited instances on the machines you have installed on

Full support for basic Instagram actions: follow / like / comment / comment like / post images / upload videos / send DMs / watch stories

Advanced pre-action support.
Before performing your main action (i.e. follow) perform multiple pre-actions:
Like X media
Watch X stories
Like X Comments on Y media
Comment on X media

Includes non-Instagam actions:
scheduled posting
reposting videos
reposting images (including processing: watermarking, text overlays, caption, mentions, tags)

SEO features:
@mentions in posts / comments / tag users either with an initial list of prepared users, or scrape a big list of users to tag / mention at the start of the action or run a scrape per item* to find users to tag / mention.

Upload images automatically from a folder on your machine (when an image is placed in the folder, it is detected and posters (great way to upload images if you have external image scrapers!).

Upload images / videos from RSS feeds

React to engagements on your account: new followers, likes on your media, comments on your media.

Reactions include: follow / like media / DM / shoutout image (i.e. when a user follows you, grab their avatar and post it to your feed with a watermark / overlay tagging /mentioning the user and some of their followers and saying "thanks for following", or perhaps scrape their 12 most recent images and post a mosaic grid of their recent images!

Automatically repost images received by DM (with optional trigger word). Reach out to users and request content, get them to DM you an image with a codeword, that codeword will trigger that image to be reposted automatically. Full image processing available: watermark / caption / mentions / tags / text overlay

MASS Actions (follow / like / comment). Mass control your bulk accounts to perform a specific action, push up the comments on one of your medias, bump up those likes, increase the followers count

Scrape ghost followers of your / other accounts

Remove ghost followers via block / unblock

Bulk Update account details

Engagement scraper - find out the best engagers of any account by scraping and analysing their recent posts and see who is engaging

Advanced Image Uniquifying module, change the hue / saturation / brightness / flip / filter and more. See examples of options here:

* A powerful feature that allows you to find users based on the comment / media / user you are actioning. For example, when commenting on ImageA from UserA you can mention 10 of UserA followers, or you could mention 10 of the ImageA likers or commenters. Get the attention of users who have shown an interest in the media already!

Additional features:

Server Verify.
If you are having trouble logging in on your proxies with your accounts, use the Server Verify module which will attempt to login using high quality US residential proxy from a service we have purchased to provide you with this function. Accounts can log in easier due to the high quality nature of the IP used, then session cookies are returned, which allows you to carry on using Instagram

SMS Verify
Using the getsmscode service, Instadub can automatically verify the account to a phone. Submit number to ISG, receive SMS and submit verification code

Email Verify
If you provide pop details for the ISG account, instadub can access the email account, extract verification email with verification code and submit this back to ISG

Inbox scrape / viewer / replier

Auto reply to DMs received sending different replies based on keywords found in the received DM

Set up auto responders with a sequence of messages, so each reply from the same user gets the next message in your sequence

Auto repost an image received as a DM with keyword triggering

Advanced Scraping:
** Custom Feedback Searches (results of one search feedback to another: Followers_of > userfeed > likers > latest_image

Scrape emails (either in bio or busines contact details)

Save media / users as IDs / Urls / Details (csv, json, full json - the complete information on the data as given by ISG)

Similar tags

Scrape tags from images

Scrape comments from images

Scrape story watchers

Scrape explore locations urls (enter an address and get the relevant explore urls to use in other searches)

Profile Engagement. Find out the top engagers of any profile. Likewise find out which followers / followings of a profile has not engaged for the specified number of posts

    About the seller



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    Last Seen

    3 weeks ago

    Member Since

    August 16, 2024


    Additional Details
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    Job Quantity
    100.00 USD
    Processing Fees
    1.00 USD
    This job has no reviews.
    Job Quantity
    100.00 USD
    Processing Fees
    1.00 USD
    Job Quantity
    100.00 USD
    Processing Fees
    1.00 USD

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