Restaurant Software & Reservation Management System: Cozy Restaurant Reservation + 20% OFF Coupon Code!
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49.00 USD
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1.00 USD
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Introduction This amazing restaurant organizer software is designed to help auser take and manage reservations and customers at bars, restaurants,cafeterias, pizza parlors, party halls, conference halls, night clubs andmore.  The Cozy Restaurant Reservation software is both designed for small café setting and a larger restaurantsetting. Features For a fact, the restaurant organization software is very flexible - it lets you change time intervals, create many profiles and view many schedulesat a time. Also, managing recurring customers and tracking customer preferences have never been easier with this nightclub software. With the software, you canas well make notes of food allergy per customer, that attach that to hisprofile, so as to know what to serve him and what not to, which will amount togood customer care. Other things you can record are birthdays and specialevents. The customizable data navigator and the detailed reminder features ofthe application can also not be over emphasized.In other to prevent unauthorized access to data, the passwordfeature has been put in place. The auto backup feature also prevents the suddenand unprepared loss of data, should there be any technical issue like a crashof the planner software. The auto backup feature, as its name implies, automatically save data to a secured archive. Formats and applications that this scheduler software can beexported to are Microsoft Outlook, iCal, TXT, XLS, XML, HTML and PDF. Not to beleft out is the built-in print design with many templates that can be used to printout schedules. All Windows operating systems support the Cozy Restaurant Reservation software. You can download Cozy Restaurant Reservation and try it for free (14-day trial): [20% OFF] Please use the OrgBusiness Software coupon code: P6H8UPUS1Z for 20% off! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you experience problems when using our products.  

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Member Since

September 16, 2024


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Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
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Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD

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