I will create a website for your needs using PHP and Laravel
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daily Rate
4.00 USD
5.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
What people loved about this seller

Hi, I'm experienced in PHP for 3 years and 2 years in Laravel.

I will create your website using PHP and Laravel.

For the design, you can tell me to use Bootstrap, Tabler.io, your custom template, or even your custom design!
If you want your website to look like https://ui.shadcn.com/, I'll do that.

I can guarantee the website has no bugs, if there are any bugs you find, you can contact me to report the bugs and I will fix them.
The bug fix is free until 1 year after the project is finished.
For example, if the project finished on 1 January 2023, and you report the bug before 2 January 2024, I will fix it for free!

I always validate every request, so don't worry about malformed data.

About the seller



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Last Seen

3 days ago

Member Since

August 12, 2024


Additional Details
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daily Rate
4.00 USD
5.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
This job has no reviews.
daily Rate
4.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
daily Rate
4.00 USD
5.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD

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