I will do b2b lead generation for your business

Business / Lead Generation
  • Not rated yet
  • 3 days
I specialize in social media marketing management. I will promote your brand through Facebook , Twitter, Instagram ,pinterest , and Page Setup and optimization ,Account Management, Social Media pages Growth ,Content Creation ,Research Key word and Hashtag, Organic Growth and Optimization Of Your Accounts
Last seen:
4 days ago

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Use This URL Shortener to Share Affiliate Link:
  • You may share your Affiliate Link on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, forums, articles or blogs.
  • Anyone who clicks this link will be tagged with your cookie and you will make 10% of whatever they buy on Zeerk.
  • The cookie stays forever!
  • You can even just send friends to the Zeerk home page and get 10% on anything they stumble upon and buy!

Job Description


I'm a professional B2B Lead Generation  Expert.

Lead generation is very effective and one of the easiest ways to get more customers for any kind of business. I've 3+ years of experience and I can collect any type of targeted Leads or emails based on your requirements.

I've access to Linked in Sales Navigator and other confidential premium tools for lead generation. I have a big & expert team.


  • B2B Lead Generation
  • LinkedIn Lead Generation
  • Targeted Lead generation
  • Web Research
  • E-mail List Building
  • Bulk Email list for Campaign
  •  Real state Leads
  • LinkedIn Email Sourcing

Anything you might need help with lead generation, just ask.



    100 Leads 10$

    200 Leads 15$

    350 Leads 20$

Your Benefit :

  • Fresh and updated information
  • 100% valid e-mails delivery (No bounce)

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