Birthday Reminder software: ABC Birthday Reminder + 20% OFF Coupon Code!
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24.95 USD
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1.00 USD
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Introduction Let us face reality, italways unpleasant and embarrassing to forget to attend an event invited, especially the most important events like the birthday party of a friend. Yes, at times, work stress and other things can make us forget even some of the most important occasions or events! To make catching up withour appointments easier, the ABC Birthday Reminder software is especiallydesigned for everyone – you and I! When you find it difficult to keep pace ofyour life and keep track of important events, this holiday reminder application can be your lifeline, especially with its advanced notification system. Features As the name of thesoftware implies, it is designed to keep record of birthdays and other notableevents. It is a personal information manager that can be used to holdinformation about recurring events and functions important to you. Among the features ofthis great personal organizer the gift cost calculations, gift description and the notification features. All information is stored in a searchable database.In addition to the factthat the software can be used to hold your own information, it likewise holds aholiday database that supports Microsoft Outlook HOL format. When a systemboots up, the ABC Birthday Reminder calendar is already on the system tray,although silent. Then you can quickly access the planner from the tray and thevariety of calendar views offered by the application will welcome you – thecolorful schemes, skins and themes. Also, events can easilybe synchronized with other supported application with ease. For instance, events can be synchronized with Microsoft Outlook. The bet part is that data can be exported in a wide array of formats. So, it is high time you stooped racking your brain of which event you are obligated to attend next. ABC Birthday Reminder is here to make life easy for you. Simply load the software with as many events you need to attend as possible and you will be alerted to prepare for each and every one of the events as at when due. Life as never been easier with this handy time manager! You can download ABC Birthday Reminder and try it for free (14-day trial): [20% OFF] Please use the OrgBusiness Software coupon code: P6H8UPUS1Z for 20% off! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you experience problems when using our products.

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Member Since

September 16, 2024


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24.95 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
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24.95 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
Job Quantity
24.95 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD

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