Gantt Chart Software: Gantt Chart + 20% OFF Coupon Code!
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49.00 USD
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1.00 USD
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Introduction The Gantt Chart software is a modern and very easy to use assistant manager. As a task manager, the software lets you organize very complex tasks in sequences, such that one or more tasks may have to be completed before some other tasks can be started. Project scheduling and management is made easy with the Gantt Chart software handy. Features One of the features of the software is that it lets any professional create profile, which can be used to run personal schedules. Also, users are allowed to switch from one profile o another, so as to preview schedules of staff members – multiple profiles can be concurrently viewed, which makes this planner software awesome! The moment the order of required sequences is specified, they can be viewed over a horizontal timeline. The connector lines feature is what displays or reveals task dependency. The progress of every task can be viewed in percentage until the task is completed. Aside the completion progress of each task, also available is an overall completion progress indicator, which reveals the total progress of all the tasks. Not to be forgotten is the auto backup feature, which allows data to be saved to a secured archive. What about the supported data export formats? The assistant manager software supports applications like the Microsoft Outlook and supports formats like TXT, XLS, HTML and XML. Appointments can likewise be saved to an iCalendar with the “.ics” extension. Data can as well be transferred from one platform to another especially applications that use scheduler. Other applications like Apple iCal, Android applications and Microsoft Exchange Server are also supported. The print designer feature has a lot of built-in original templates that help with clear and fine printouts of schedules. You can download Gantt Chart and try it for free (14-day trial): [20% OFF] Please use the OrgBusiness Software coupon code: P6H8UPUS1Z for 20% off! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you experience problems when using our products.

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Member Since

September 16, 2024


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Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
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Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD

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