Medical Software: Medical Calendar + 20% OFF Coupon Code!
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49.00 USD
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1.00 USD
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Introduction This software is specially designed for those in the health field. It is a great tool in the hands of a doctor since it will safe him from writing a lot. The Medical Calendar software is designed for individual usage (a single physician) and a collection of physicians (a complete health center). Features One of the outstand features of this doctor software is that it can help create an organized schedule for an entire group of staff. If a doctor either does not wants to miss any of his appointments or wants to have his reception hours readily available at hand, then this medical calendar software is all that is needed. The physical interface of this application is another feature worth discussing. The interface is both classy and stylish. Each doctor can run his personal schedule after creating a profile. Also, a user can switch between profiles to view any professional schedule at any time. To ensure a smooth experience with the Medical calendar software, multiple profiles can be viewed concurrently. Another feature that makes this application awesome is the craftiness employed in designing the date navigation, thus making the doctor scheduler really easy to use. You can easily jump between dates irrespective of the which day or date you are presently on. You can as well quickly edit patient data, your reception hours and so on. Time intervals can be changed to either see a detailed day schedule or a quick quarter overview, so that you can provide the best schedule for yourself. The auto backup feature alleviates the fret of losing data in the advent of application crash. This feature saves data into a secured archive, which can be retrieved if necessary.Supporting application that the doctor calendar software can work with include Microsoft Outlook. And data can be exported into formats like TXT, XLS, HTML and XML. Data can as well be exchanged with Android apps, Apple iCal and Microsoft Exchange Server. Also available, are a number of in-built print design templates, which can be used to print out a clear and beautiful schedule. You can download Medical Calendar and try it for free (14-day trial): [20% OFF] Please use the OrgBusiness Software coupon code: P6H8UPUS1Z for 20% off! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you experience problems when using our products.

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Member Since

September 16, 2024


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Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
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Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD

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