Hi, there!
As an experienced author, I've become quite sufficient in the process of editing and rewriting when applicable. Once your files are safely presented to me, I will begin my search for any grammatical and punctuation errors or misspellings. I will then compose your work using proper syntax and paragraph structure to turn your words into a professionally designed document.
I try to be fair in my line of work, and would never waste precious time and resources off the clock when I should be working. If I have to stop for any reason, I will discredit that time until I can get back in front of my computer. Keep in mind, I don't always have the best internet connection (I'm in a rural area,) but that shouldn't slow me down much.
Please note: I will not take on any job that involves computer language coding! That is a completely separate field from what I do. I'm a traditional writer/editor only!!!